Financial sanctions are restrictions put in place by the UN, EU, US or UK to achieve a specific foreign policy or national security objective
_______ is a control used in the detection, prevention and disruption of financial crime and, in particular, sanctions risk
_______ is a term used to describe a range of punitive legislative provisions that are put in place with a view to altering political and/or military behavior
_______ sanctions are “directed at leaders, their core allies in the regime’s hierarchy, and/or specific enterprises and agencies engaged in the proscribed behavior”.
The Pillars of Sanction Compliance includes
______refers to the process of screening a movement of value within the FI’s records, including funds, goods or assets, between parties or accounts
AML/CFT Sanctions are combinations of both Economic and Financial Sanctions
FATF Recommendations __, __, &__ talks about Sanctions
What are the attributes and functionalities of a good Sanctions Screening Compliance Application?