The following are high Risk Terrorist Financing International locations or Countries, locations, or jurisdictions:
Risk assessment in AML/CFT Compliance is very important in order to ………………. compliance and related risks using risk management techniques and principles to protect the FI and DNFBPs, except;
The ………. of the FIs or DNFBPs have the right to identify and assess all the risks embedded in the operation of their institution. This also includes the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing. The policy and review for assessing the risk should be approved by?
Money launderers and terrorist financiers constitute …….. to the operations of FIs & DNFBPs
The review period for high risk situations is also ……………….. than that of low risk.
Threat could mean a person or event likely to cause damage or danger. An FI or DNFBP is faced with the threat of money laundering/terrorist financing from except;
Below are the sources of ML/TF threats except:
The ML/TF vulnerability sources include the following, except:
The Levels of risks are and generally all risk categories can be broken down into the following levels of risk except:
Some of the basic concepts of risk are except;