DataPro’s credit rating is an opinion of an entity’s overall creditworthiness and its capacity to meet its financial commitment.

Our short-term ratings have a time horizon of less than 12 months in line with industry standards reflecting risk characteristics. The ratings place greater emphasis on the liquidity to meet financial commitment in a timely manner.

The long-term risk indicator is divided into 8 bands ranging from AAA through DD. Each band could be modified by + or – . With + representing slightly less risk than –. Such suffixes are not added to the ‘AAA’ long-term rating category and to categories below ‘CCC’. Or to short-term rating older than A1+.


Investment Grade

Indicator Meaning Explanation
AAA Lowest Risk
(Superior) Assigned to banks which have on balance superior financial strength, operating performances and business profile when compared to the standards established by DataPro Limited. These banks, in our opinion, have a very strong ability to meet their ongoing obligations.
AA Lower Risk

(Very Good) Assigned to banks which have, on balance very good financial strength, operating performance and business profile when compared to the standards established by DataPro Limited. These banks, in our opinion, have a very strong ability to meet their ongoing obligation.

A Low Risk
(Very Good) Assigned to banks which have, on balance very good financial strength, operating performance and business profile when compared to the standards established by DataPro Limited. These banks, in our opinion, have a very strong ability to meet their ongoing obligation.
BBB Slight Risk
(Fair) Assigned to banks which have, on balance fair financial strength, operating performance and business profile when compared to the standards established by DataPro Limited. These banks, in our opinion, have an ability to meet their current obligations, but their financial strength is vulnerable to adverse changes in economic conditions.


Non-Investment Grade

Indicator Meaning Explanation
BB Moderate Risk
(Marginal) Assigned to banks which have, on balance marginal financial  strength, operating performance and business profile when compared to the standards established by DataPro Limited. These banks, in our opinion have an ability to meet their current obligation, but their financial strength is vulnerable to adverse changes in economic conditions.
B High Risk
(Weak) Assigned to banks which have, on balance weak financial strength, operating performance and business profile when compared to the standard established by DataPro Limited. These banks, in our opinion have an ability to meet their current obligation, but their financial strength is vulnerable to adverse changes in economic conditions.
CCC Higher Risk
(Poor) Assigned to banks, which have on balance poor financial strength, operating performance and business profile when compared to the standards established DataPro Limited. These banks, in our opinion may not have an ability to meet their current obligation and their financial strength is extremely vulnerable to adverse changes in economic conditions.
DD Highest Risk
(Very Poor) Assigned to banks, which have an balance very poor financial strength, operating performance and business profile when compared to the standards established by DataPro Limited. These banks, in our opinion may not have an ability to meet their current obligation and their financial strength is extremely vulnerable to adverse changes in economic conditions.


Indicator Meaning Explanation
Highest credit quality
Indicates the strongest capacity for timely payment of financial commitments. May have an added “+” to denote any exceptionally strong credit feature.
A1 Good credit quality
A satisfactory capacity for timely payment of financial commitments, but the margin of safety is not as great as in the case of the higher ratings.
A2 Fair credit quality
The capacity for timely payment of financial commitments is adequate. However, near term adverse changes could result in reduction to non investment grade.
B Speculative
Minimal capacity for timely payment of financial commitments, plus vulnerability to near term adverse changes in financial and economic conditions.
C High default risk
Default is a real possibility. Capacity for meeting financial commitments is solely reliant upon a sustained, favorable business and economic environment.
Indicates an entity that has defaulted on all its financial obligations.